Freethought Multimedia Index - Richard Dawkins - James Randi - Michael Shermer - Steven Pinker - Daniel Dennett - Phil Plait - Massimo Pigliucci |
Last updated: 04.06.2007 |
Buy Richard Dawkins' latest book |
Science Extra: Richard Dawkins
Download: |
Richard Dawkins and Alister McGrath
Direct Streaming: URL: |
Conversation with Richard Dawkins
Direct Streaming: |
Interview at The Agenda
Direct Streaming: URL: The Agenda |
The God Delusion
Direct Streaming: URL: CTV News |
Interview with Bill O'Reilly
Direct Streaming: URL: |
"Darwin's Rottweiler"
Direct Streaming: Download: |
Richard Dawkins at Pop!Casts
Direct Streaming: URL: Pop!Casts |
Richard talks about The God Delusion
Direct Streaming: Download: URL: The Speakeasy |
Richard Dawkins on Sunday Edition
Direct Streaming: |
Dawkins on Saturday Morning
Download: |
Download: URL: In Our Time |
Debating Darwin
Download: URL: KCUR |
Richard Dawkins on The Rational Response Squad
Direct Streaming: |
The Science Show versus God
Direct Streaming: Download: URL: The Science Show |
Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
Streaming: URL: 89.3 KPCC |
Dawkins on The Morning Show
Direct Streaming : Download: URL: KPFA |
Dawkins on Penn Radio
Download: URL: FreeFM |
The God Delusion
Download: URL: The World |
Richard Dawkins on The Colbert Report
Direct Streaming: URL: The Colbert Report |
The God Delusion - Lecture
Direct streaming: |
The God Delusion
Direct Streaming: Download: URL: KCUR |
The God Delusion
Download: URL: Point of Inquiry |
Losing faith, finding meaning
Direct streaming: Download: |
Richard Dawkins on The God Delusion
URL: Varsity |
The God Delusion
Direct streaming: URL: BBC News 24 |
Richard Dawkins & David Quinn debate
Download: Original stream: |
The God Delusion
Download: URL: Science & the City |
Richard Dawkins on Science Friday
Streaming: Download: URL: Science Friday - NPR |
The God Delusion
Download: URL: Freethought Radio |
The God Delusion
Direct streaming: Download: URL: BBC Newsnight |
Mind-Bending Nature
Direct Streaming: |
Atheist Conference
Download: |
If evolution were re-run
Direct streaming: URL: NRK |
The Selfish Gene turns 30
Direct streaming: URL: The Science Show |
Don't Be a Chimp
Download: URL: SETI |
The Selfish Gene: Thirty years on
Download: URL: Edge |
The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival 2006
Direct Streaming URL: BBC Radio Oxford |
Dennett and Dawkins on Start the Week
Direct Streaming: URL: BBC - Start the Week |
Interview at InfidelGuy / Freethought Media show
Download: URL: - Freethought Media |
Interview at Point of Inquiry about 'The Root of All Evil?'
Download: URL: Point of Inquiry |
Is evolution predictabel? (lecture)
Direct Streaming: URL: UCLAN - Darwin Day |
Interview about the documentary The Root of All Evil?
Direct Streaming: |
Atheism Tapes
Direct Streaming: URL: Channel 4 |
2005 |
Interview on How On Earth
Direct Streaming: Download: URL: KGNU - archive |
Interview at Charlie Rose Show
Download: URL: Charlie Rose Show - (mp3 source is from here) |
Charlie Rose interviews Richard Dawkins
Direct Streaming: |
Religion, science, and politics
Direct Streaming: URL: KRCC - Western Skies - transcript - PRX |
Evolution on Radio Times
Direct Streaming: Download: URL: WHYY - Radio Times |
Interview at Al Franken Show
Download: URL: Al Franken Show - (mp3 source is from here) |
Debate Over Intelligent Design
Direct Streaming: URL: WBUR - On Point |
Teaming Bacteria
Download: URL: SETI Institute - Odeo |
Skeptical Sunday: All Luck is Dumb
Download: URL: SETI Institute - Odeo |
Interview at Jason Crane Show
Direct Streaming URL: Jason Crane |
Annual Science Conference
Direct Streaming |
Life After Darwin
Direct Streaming URL: Darwin Center | |||
Readings from The Ancestor’s Tale
Direct Streaming URL: KUOW Speakers Forum | |||
What do you believe to be true but cannot prove?
Download with edonkey | |||
2004 |
The Ancestor's Tale ...
Direct Streaming URL: Tech Nation | |||
The Ancestor's Tale, Politics...
The Ancestor's Tale
Direct Streaming URL: Studio 360 - transcript |
The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life
Direct Streaming URL: Quirks & Quarks |
Interview at PBS with Bill Moyers
Direct Streaming: |
A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution
Direct Streaming: |
Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution
The Ancestor's Tale (science lecture)
Direct Streaming: URL: Seattle Channel |
The Ancestor's Tale
Direct Streaming: URL: KQED Forum |
As The Ancestor Told His Tale....
Direct Streaming: |
The Ancestor's Tale
Direct Streaming: URL: WBUR - On Point |
Discovery of "Little Humans"
Direct Streaming: URL: Mooney Goes Wild |
The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life
Direct Streaming: Download with edonkey: |
The Origins of life
Direct Streaming: URL: BBC 4 - In Our Time |
BBC Profile
Download with edonkey: |
How important is religion today?
Direct Streaming: URL: BBC 4 - Today |
BBC Religion - Beliefe
Direct Streaming: |
2003 |
Spells, Counterspells and Viruses of the Mind
Direct Download The part with Richard Dawkins starts 40:28 into the first hour. URL: Radio4all |
A Devil's Chaplain
Direct Streaming: |
A Devil’s Chaplain
Direct Streaming: URL: WHHY - Radio Times |
A Devil’s Chaplain
Direct Streaming: |
The Brights
Download: |
Globo News interview
Direct Streaming: Download with edonkey: URL: Globo News |
Summer Reads
Direct Streaming: URL: BBC 4 - Front Row |
Radio Interview (A Devil's Chaplain, Atheism)
Direct Streaming: |
The First Douglas Adams Memorial Lecture
Direct Streaming URL: H2G2 - Mem... |
How Current Are Our Classrooms?
Direct Streaming: URL: the future of Life |
2002 |
An Atheist Thought for the day
Direct Streaming: URL: BBC |
Discussion on revenge
Direct Streaming: URL: To the Point |
What is 'Natural'?
URL: Greenpeace - transcript (pdf) |
Religion in school
Direct Streaming: |
2001 |
Douglas Adam's Memorial Service
Direct Streaming: |
2000 |
The links between science and literature
Direct Streaming URL: Rattlebag |
the Connection - Science, Reason and Genetics
Direct Streaming: URL: the Connection |
Charlie Rose interviews Richard Dawkins
Direct Streaming: |
1999 |
Memes - with Richard Dawkins, Susan Blackmore, Robert Wright
Direct Streaming: Download with edonkey: |
1998 |
Der Digitale Planet (lecture) - Douglas Adams, Richard Dawkins, , Daniel Dennett, Jared Diamond and Steven Pinker
Direct Streaming: |
1997 |
Hugh LaFollette - Evolution
Direct Streaming: Download: |
The Blind Watchmaker
Direct Streaming: |
The New Yorker Festival interview (preview)
Direct Streaming: |
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Direct Streaming: Download: |
BooksThe God Delusion (2006) |
Other linksThe Richard Dawkins Foundation of Science and Reason |
If there are other media files out there, which are not in this list, please send me a link and i will add it as soon as possible. Other type of feedback is also appreciated. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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